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COVID – 19 VACCINES A Comprehensive Overview
We are amid a pandemic that continues to smoulder almost everywhere with raging fire off and on at different places. It has not only devastated hundreds of thousands of families who lost someone to the virus and affected over 300 million people directly, it has affected all 7.9 billion of us in some way or other. At the same time, humanity has risen well to the pandemic challenges. It was realized very early during the current outbreal that safe and effcacious vaccines would be crucial in tackling the pandemic. The unprecedented global collaboration among all stakeholders: Scientists, pharmaceutical industry, funding agencies and Governments demonstrated what a global will could do: hundreds of vaccine candidates developed, and vaccine deployment started within 12 months of isolation of new virus something that takes over a decade otherwise.
Common and Uncommon Cases in Pulmonary Medicine bring to the readers real time clinical case ranging from common diseases with typical presentations to uncommon and rare diseases with atypical features. Presented in a comprehensive, easy to read format, the book aims to be extremely useful to pinpoint a diagnosis. The chest X-ray is often central to the diagnosis and management of a patient. As a result, every doctor requires a thorough understanding of the common radiological problems. This pocket book describes the range of conditions likely to be encountered in the day-to-day clinical practice and guides the reader through the diagnostic process based on the appearance of the abnormality shown. Salient Features – Detailed discussion on X-ray and CT scans providing a clear understanding of a range of diseases encountered. – Includes valuable advice on how to examine an X-ray. – Assists the doctor in determining the nature of the abnormality. – Points the clinician towards a possible differential diagnosis. – Clinical pointers in each chapter to note the important features that may be missed. – There is extended use of CT imaging with advice on choosing modalities depending on the clinical circumstances.
COVID -19 is new disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a novel virus that emerged at the end of 2019. It is truly remarkable how the virus spread all over the world creating a devastating effect or non-infectious, to the background . There is no medical conversation or conference without reference to it. While the optimal ways to diagnose and manage this disease are being studied with ‘feverish’ pace, controversies spring up almost daily. This has understandably put the treating physicians in a state of confusion, which is matched only by the complexity of the entire illness. We present here a Casebook of COVID – 19, where actual cases seen at different medical centers are discussed along with brief chapters on various aspects of this disease. They have been contributed by clinicians who have been at some time associated with the editors or with the PD Hinduja Hospital. We do hope this book will be of great interest to the practicing clinicians, microbiologists, hospital administrators and public health professionals.
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