Recommended Books
Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care 6/Ed.
Now in its 6th edition, Handbook of Drugs in intensive Care is the essential guide to using drugs safely and effectively in the intensive care setting. The book is split into two Sections – an A-Z guide to the drugs available, and concise notes on the topics and situations faced on a daily basis. The A-Z section provides succinct information on each drug including uses, limitations, administration directions and adverse effects. The second section details practice guidelines such as insulin therapy, Parkinson’s disease therapy when nil-by-mouth and drug dosing in renal failure.
How to Pass the MRCS OSCE (Vol 1 & 2)
This is the only guide you need to pass the MRCS Part B OSCE examination. This unique two-volume set includes comprehensive revision notes on all the areas covered in the exam, numerous practice scenarios with model answers in the format they would be encountered in the exam, and essential exam technique tips. Written by a team of editors and authors with extensive experience of the exam and all the recent changes, it broaches topics that can often trip up the candidate, including communication and history-taking skills. Revision is aided by a multitude of images and illustrations, as well as boxes highlighting clinical tips and exam hints. Volume 1 covers basic surgical skills, including peri-operative care, as well as patient safety, history-taking, communication skills, applied surgical sciences and critical care. The book also provides tips on exactly how the examiners will expect you to approach the exam. Volume 2 addresses the stations that exam the four specialty areas: Trunk and Torso; Limbs and Spine; Head and Neck, and Neuroscience. It covers the anatomy, physiology and pathology in each of these four speciality areas along with detailed clinical exam scenarios and a bank of likely clinical questions and model answers.
John Studd’s Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 7
In Contemporary Obstetrics and Gynaecology, what new trends have evolved, what new advancements have been made, what new technologies have been developed, what new challenges do we face? Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology will continually answer those questions for you. Volume 7 comprises several topics at the cutting edge of contemporary Obstetrics and Gynecology. First, this volume starts with applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in reproduction medicine and how AI may lead to paradigm shift in this field. Another paradigm – changing topic involves population genetic screening for individualized preventative medicine. This volume addresses a spectrum of gynecologic topics, from dyslipidemia in pregnancy, obesity and reproduction, modern concepts of managing climacteric and menopause, treatment options for overactive bladder and the use of mesh treatment for urogynaecology. There are also chapters dealing with prevention and management of gynaecologic cancers such as those of the cervix and the endometrium. This volume updates new advancement and pratice in obstetric and gynaecological techniques, such as cervical cerlage in modern obsteric practice, routine third trimester scan for the detection of foetal anomalies and now to reduce complications in laparoscopic surgery. Last but not least, this volume addresses third gender gynaecology, the obstetric and gynaecologic care for transgender patients and the increasing use of cosmatic gynaecology in recent years. The editors are grateful to all the authors who have given their expertise and enabled this volume to improve the care of obstetric and gynaecologic patients throughout the world.
Manual of Clinical Endocrinology 2/Ed.
Algorithms provide a logical, concise and cost-effective approach to medical reasoning: utilizing a concise, step-by-step approach based upon clues from the history, physical examination and laboratory studies, algorithms help avoid excessive unnecessary procedures and testing. The 2nd edition of Manual of Clinical Endocrinology deals with practical issues ranging from simple thyroid function testing and thyrotoxicosis to approaching a patient with suspected thyrotoxicosis. Algorithms are simple and effective tools for the practitioner in a hurry and since the majority of the intended audience, physicians, general practitioners and postgraduates have very little time amidst their busy clinical routine, this manual uses algorithms. Twenty-two clinical issues are covered by an algorithmic approach, breaking down long lists and tables of differential diagnosis into smaller, more manageable ones. Common clinical symptoms, signs and laboratory abnormalities are classified as they present themselves at the patient’s bedside. This manual is an attempt to provide the busy practitioner with a desktop reckoner which will be useful while approaching a patient with a suspected endocrine problem. The authors have strived to be practical not pedantic – at the same time have made great effort to ensure that the recommendations are evidence based.
MCQs FOR ENT Preparations for the FRCS (ORL-HNS)
This book os intended as a revision aid for candidates preparing for the multiple for the multiple choice question (MCQ) papers of the FRCS (ORL-HNS) examination.The style and format of the questions in the book mirrors the format of the examination questions, and covers all of the relevant topics. The book is divided into two main sctions : Single Best Answers and Extended matching Questions. Answers and explanatory notes are provided, along with links to relevant websites and key journal articles. In common with the examination, the book features illustrations and diagrams.