Showing 1–20 of 72 results


    Who Will benefit from this book? * Genuine interest in cardiovascular imaging * International certification exams * Enhancing skills in interpretations of cardiac MR Why this format? * Salient points, easier and faster to read. * Questions-answer approach for better understanding of topic. * Short and well contained guide. What are the highlights of the book? * Comprehensive coverage of all topics * Appropriate illustrations * Inclusion of recent advances

  • Case Book of HIV Medicine

    The human Immunodeficiency Virus has scant respect for any boundaries – anatomical, geographic, economic or those defining medical specialities, So this unique book of illustrative cases will appeal to practitioners in any field of medicine who find themselves grappling with the unending challengers that this diseases poses. As the developed world closes the chapter on opportunistic infections in AIDS and shifts its focus to issues of chronic inflammation and premature ageing; the HIV physician in the developing world must remain cognizant of the ever changing diagnostic, treatment modalities and the myriad clinical, social and financial factors that determine management options and outcomes. It is this agility of clinical thought and practice that is highlighted in this book with an informal case-based approach. The MCQ – based style is not intended to make the discussions objective. It is but a reflections of the actual thought process as it evolves from subtle clues in the history or evaluation and consider possible alternatives at each step. The choice is discussed with the help of standard resources and guidelines with reference to allow the reader a more detailed review. Although some of the options may seem obsolete in 2018, they will strike a chord with the HIV physician who struggled with fewer, more toxic ART regimens in years past.

  • Case Book of Infectious Diseases

    This case book of infectious diseases brings to you the excitement of that unusual element of patient history,the crucial physical sign,the key investigation report or that microscopic image which links all the clinical features of the case & brings home the diagnosis.It emphasizes the myriad factors that decide which treatment is most appropriate for the patient.It highlights the close dialogue between clinicians and microbiologists as they partner to do the best for the patient . It conveys the sense of fulfillment when the sickest person turns the corner and returns for follow-up ,alive and well .It underscores the fact that infectious diseases ar eamng those ailments that can actually be prevented or cured

  • Case Book of Invasive Fungal Infections

    The case book presents real cases and alternatives that confront the clinician during management. The format maintained is based on multiple choice. The difference between the most appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic approach and its closet alternative is wide.The discussion is adapted from standard resources and some references are also made to abstracts and lecturers at IDSA, ECCMID and other meetings.


    COVID -19 is new disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a novel virus that emerged at the end of 2019. It is truly remarkable how the virus spread all over the world creating a devastating effect or non-infectious, to the background . There is no medical conversation or conference without reference to it. While the optimal ways to diagnose and manage this disease are being studied with ‘feverish’ pace, controversies spring up almost daily. This has understandably put the treating physicians in a state of confusion, which is matched only by the complexity of the entire illness. We present here a Casebook of COVID – 19, where actual cases seen at different medical centers are discussed along with brief chapters on various aspects of this disease. They have been contributed by clinicians who have been at some time associated with the editors or with the PD Hinduja Hospital. We do hope this book will be of great interest to the practicing clinicians, microbiologists, hospital administrators and public health professionals.


    This book is a case – based approach to some of the connon clinical problems and case scenarios in cardiology encountered by clinicians on a day-to-day basis. It is a multi-author work, with contributions from some of the most reowned clinicians ans academicians in the field of Cardiology. Each chapter begins with a case scenario, and goes on to discuss the diagnostic approach, Mamagement, and key learnings for the clinicians faced with a similar case. The most contemporary evidence is reviewed, and practical algorithms suggested wherever appropriate. We have endeavored to provide a balanced coverage of the vast fields of Cardiology, with topics including ischemic heart disease, general Cardiology, congenital, valvular and structural heart disease and arrhythmias. The selected cases cover exciting new interventional techniques like TAVR, precutaneous pulmonary valve replacement, and LA appendage closure replacement., as well as recent development in coronary physiology, robotics in intervention, imaging modalities like IVUS and OCT, cardiac MRI and advanced echocardiographic techniques like strain rate imaging. A separate section on Arrhythmias deals with some common, yet therapeutically challenging, rhythm disorders seen in clinical practice.

  • Clinical Pediatric Dermatology

    This book aims at bridging that gap and putting the basic concepts of pediatric dermatology together which help the dermatologists,post graduates and pediatricians understand and manage the pediatric dermatoses in India. With primary focus on beginners in pediatric dermatology and pediatricians,the conciseness and brevity of clinical notes has not been compromised. This book has been written keeping in view the interests of both pediatric dermatologists and pediatricians. In this era of sub-specialization, general pediatricians who offer primary care to children must be knowledgeable in pediatric dermatological problems.

  • Clinician’s Handbook of Diabetes 3/Ed.

    Case -based approach is one of the most used and most effective formats to present medical information and is the foundation for developing evidence – based treatment protocols. In its third edition, the Clinician’s Handbook of Diabetes Mellitus covers a wide range of case studies in diabetology with each case including history, investigations, differential diagnosis and discussion, critique, practice points as well as references.

  • Clinics in Surgery – Revised & Updates Second Edition

    Includes Long and Short cases, Instruments, X-ray and Specimens commonly kept in Undergraduate and Post graduate exams. – Step by step methodology of History taking,and Examination of each case. – Model case presentation of each case. – Algorythmic approach for Diagnosis, Investigation and Treatment of each case. WHAT’S NEW IN THIS EDITION – – Each case is divided in to three sections – Principles of history taking, Model case presentation and discussion about common surgical pathologies related to that case. It is for better understanding of the topic and last minute reading of a specific section for an exam. – Clinical demonstration of various tests pertaining to that case. – Recent advances in management of a particular surgical pathologies. – Multiple photographs in all the sections for better visual understanding of the disease and different topics. – Addition of new topics in sections of instruments and X-rays.

  • Computed Tomography of Interstitial Lung Diseases

    Computed Tomography of Interstitial Lung Diseases is an easy to read book written by Dr. Bhavin Jankharia that incorporates the 2018 Fleischner Society and ERS/ATS guidelines for IPF. With 175 illustrations, the book is already very popular with radiologists and pulmonologists alike and serves as a ready reference when reading CT scans of ILDs


    Medical fraternity has not witnessed such a worst scenario in recent times and is fighting hard to contain the pandemic COVID-19 infection. It has affected all countries and all races across the globe. The mortality and morbidity have been so much that it is enough to make medical science helpless. The progression of infection and the way it affects multiple organs in the body are unique and not seen in any other disease so far described. In this background we thought of sharing our experience in treating COVID – 19 cases through the pandemic. Clinical course and radiological findings are described in detail and management aspects have been covered briefly. All cases discussed in this book were seen and managed by the authors themselves. Special care has been taken to highlight unique features in the X-ray and CT scan of these patients which will enable the clinician to identify various pathological changes in the lung. These imaging finding are unique for the pathognomonic involvement of COVID – 19 in the lung.

  • COVID – 19 VACCINES A Comprehensive Overview

    We are amid a pandemic that continues to smoulder almost everywhere with raging fire off and on at different places. It has not only devastated hundreds of thousands of families who lost someone to the virus and affected over 300 million people directly, it has affected all 7.9 billion of us in some way or other. At the same time, humanity has risen well to the pandemic challenges. It was realized very early during the current outbreal that safe and effcacious vaccines would be crucial in tackling the pandemic. The unprecedented global collaboration among all stakeholders: Scientists, pharmaceutical industry, funding agencies and Governments demonstrated what a global will could do: hundreds of vaccine candidates developed, and vaccine deployment started within 12 months of isolation of new virus something that takes over a decade otherwise.

  • Current Progress In Nephrology Volume 1

    The aim of the book is to address the basic concepts and newer developments in selected areas of clinical nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation. Selected topics on interest with reference to recent developments, updated classifications or advances in pathogenesis and treatment. Nephrologists from around the world have contributed to this one of its kind book.

  • Current Progress in Nephrology Volume 2

    The aim of the 2nd volume of this book is to address the basic concepts and newer developments in selected areas of clinical nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation. Selected topics on interest with reference to recent developments, updated classifications or advances in pathogenesis and treatment. Nephrologists from around the world have contributed to this one of its kind book.

  • Current Progress In Nephrology Volume 3

    In the third volume of Current Progress in Nephrology, recent advances in different areas of kidney disease have been authored by eminent clinicians. The first few chapters discuss the genetics of renal development, regenerative medicine in relation to kidney, molecular diagnostics. Newer diagnostic modalities like functional magnetic resonance imaging, point of care ultrasonography and electron microscopy of organised deposits in kidney diseases are discussed in the subsequent 3 chapters. Diagnosing and managing difficult conditions of chronic kidney disease like, hepatorenal syndrome, pregnancy related renal problems, and scleroderma crisis are discussed in appropriate chapters. Anaemia, usually associated with CKD, is a significant cause of left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiovascular disease. The guidelines for correcting anaemia with iron supplementation and erythropoietin stimulating agents are provided in an appropriate chapter. Autosomal dominant rubulointerstitial kidney disease, a frequent cause of progressive CKD often remains an underdiagnosed condition and has been highlighted in one nice review. Understanding another a rare condition, thrombotic miocroangiopathy is important since it may lead to endstage renal disease or death, if not identified and appropriately treated in time.

  • Current Progress in Neurosurgery, Vol 1

    The aim of this update was to have a definitive text by authorities in their field which will give the read the state of the art information in a concise manner. This multi author CPIN has contribution from leaders in Neurosurgery. The edition is divided into four Units – 1) Neuro Oncology, 2) Cerebrovascular 3) Skull Base Surgery 4) Fuctional Problems, Infection and Recent Advances. The book will be useful to the Neurosurgeon seeking knowledge and confidence to close the gap between best intentions and actual performance in managing various challenging neurosurgical problems.
