
This book is a case – based approach to some of the connon clinical problems and case scenarios in cardiology encountered by clinicians on a day-to-day basis. It is a multi-author work, with contributions from some of the most reowned clinicians ans academicians in the field of Cardiology. Each chapter begins with a case scenario, and goes on to discuss the diagnostic approach, Mamagement, and key learnings for the clinicians faced with a similar case. The most contemporary evidence is reviewed, and practical algorithms suggested wherever appropriate. We have endeavored to provide a balanced coverage of the vast fields of Cardiology, with topics including ischemic heart disease, general Cardiology, congenital, valvular and structural heart disease and arrhythmias. The selected cases cover exciting new interventional techniques like TAVR, precutaneous pulmonary valve replacement, and LA appendage closure replacement., as well as recent development in coronary physiology, robotics in intervention, imaging modalities like IVUS and OCT, cardiac MRI and advanced echocardiographic techniques like strain rate imaging. A separate section on Arrhythmias deals with some common, yet therapeutically challenging, rhythm disorders seen in clinical practice.

This book is a case – based approach to some of the connon clinical problems and case scenarios in cardiology encountered by clinicians on a day-to-day basis. It is a multi-author work, with contributions from some of the most reowned clinicians ans academicians in the field of Cardiology. Each chapter begins with a case scenario, and goes on to discuss the diagnostic approach, Management, and key learnings for the clinicians faced with a similar case. The most contemporary evidence is reviewed, and practical algorithms suggested wherever appropriate. We have endeavored to provide a balanced coverage of the vast fields of Cardiology, with topics including ischemic heart disease, general Cardiology, congenital, valvular and structural heart disease and arrhythmias. The selected cases cover exciting new interventional techniques like TAVR, precutaneous pulmonary valve replacement, and LA appendage closure replacement., as well as recent development in coronary physiology, robotics in intervention, imaging modalities like IVUS and OCT, cardiac MRI and advanced echocardiographic techniques like strain rate imaging. A separate section on Arrhythmias deals with some common, yet therapeutically challenging, rhythm disorders seen in clinical practice.

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Weight 680 kg
Dimensions 20 × 14 × 4 cm

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