Clinical Genetics is one of the most rapidly advancing field in medicine and a basic understanding of human genetics is vital for all those caring for patients nowadays. Genetic make up of any individual can hamper reproduction and insight into this is necessary and hence genetic counseling and diagnosis is becoming increasingly important. This book on Reproductive Genetics form the Genetics and Fetal Medicine Committee, FOGSI, is a brainchild of our dynamic and Visionary FOGSI President Dr Hrishikesh Pai. The idea was conceived with the idea of helping the readers deal with clinical dilemmas faced by them in day to day practice and also make them aware of the recent advance in the rapidly evolving field of reproductive genetics. Although named Reproductive Genetics, this book also covers topics such as genetics of Hereditary cancers, thereby expanding its scope to include this important topic. The book will be a boon to the Obstetricians, Fetal Medicine specialists, Infertility specialists, Oncologists, Pediatricians, Geneticists and many more. Chapters such as Approach to intellectual Disability, Preconception Counseling and Approach to Hemoglobinopathies are just some among the large collection of carefully articulated and intellectually stimulating articles. Moreover, the book also covers some of the latest advancements in the field of reproductive Genetics in chapters such as AI in Reproductive Genetics and Gene therapy: The future of Medicine.
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