This book contains one hundred state of the art, innovative chapters with sections on pratices facilitation, promotion, and support for the proper nutrition, including sections on complementary feeding and nuritional disorders. The authors include luminaries from the field of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Community Medicine, Nutrition, Lactation and Mother Support Groups. The various guidelines and recommendations related to IYCF practices, Human Milk Banking, Micronutrient requirements, IMS Act, COVID -19 guidelines, etc. are also included with key learning points and take-home messages highlights for easy reading. Comprehensive lactation Management Centres/Human Milk Banks are established in many parts of our country to provide mother’s milk to the marginalized newborn babies and inflants. A separate section has been included on the issues related to milk banks, This book is an effort to highlight the concepts and to improve maternal and child nutrition amongst the budding medicos, consultants and experts in nutrition and lactation. The editorial board feels that the book shall empower the undergraduates as well as postgraduates in the field of medicine and nutrition as well as help the parents including the mothers in empowering them by clearing their doubts, myths and misconceptions related to nutrition.
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