Niedermeyer’s Electroencephalography: Basic Principles, Clinical Applications, and Related Fields, Seventh Edition keeps the clinical neurophysiologist on the forefront of medical advancements. This authoritative text covers basic neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and neuroimaging to provide a better understanding of clinical neurophysiological findings. This edition further delves into current state-of-the-art recording EEG activity both in the normal clinical environment and unique situations such as the intensive care unit, operating rooms, and epilepsy monitoring suites. As computer technology evolves, so does the integration of analytical methods that significantly affect the reader’s interpretations of waveforms and trends that are occurring on long-term monitoring sessions. Compiled and edited by Donald L. Schomer and Fernando H. Lopes da Silva, along with a global team of experts, they collectively bring insight to crucial sections including basic principles of EEG and MEG, normal EEG, EEG in a clinical setting, clinical EEG in seizures and epilepsy, complementary and special techniques, event-related EEG phenomena, and shed light on the future of EEG and clinical neurophysiology. Akin to an encyclopedia of everything EEG, this comprehensive work is perfect for neurophysiology fellows, as well as neurology, neurosurgery, and general medical residents, and for the interns and medical students, and is a one-stop-shop for anyone training in EEG or preparing for neurophysiology or epilepsy board exams.
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