A & Q Prep for Biochemistry Examination Key to Success For UG & PG Medical & Paramedical Courses


There has been phenomenal growth and advancement in the field of Biochemistry. Keeping in line with that, the several topics have been introduced in the curriculum of medical course. There are several text books and reference books to enhance learning of Biochemical concepts. Teaching – learning is an ongoing process and evaluation is an integral part of any course for the purpose of quality assurance. It provides a measure to check whether learning objectives have been accomplished. To evaluate both course contents and competency of the students, during the course the formative (internal assessment) and summative examinations (University examination) are conducted as suggested by National Medical Council of India (NMC) in 2019. There lies the role of question bank to provide fair idea to the students as regards the type of questions. This book is aimed to serve as a good source of exhaustive questions to the students, complying with the new systematic Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum recommended by NMC, India, for undergraduate medical students. It encompasses the topics in Biochemistry included in the said recommendations. It is a perfect blend of objective and subjective questions like Multiple choice questions (MCQs), short answer questions / brief answer questions (SAQ /BAQ; 2 / 3 marks), short notes (4 / 5 marks) and long answer / structured essay type questions (LAQ 10 marks) as per the present question paper pattern for internal assessment as well as University examinations. The unique feature of the book is, it shows multiple ways in which MCQs can be framed eliciting the same answer; or for the same question a set of multiple options (distractors) which can be offered to make the students understand that how a question can be framed in various ways. The care has been taken to cover entire chapter while designing the MCQs, on basic, analytical and clinical knowledge of Biochemistry. The books available at present on MCQs give only answer