Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management is a comprehensive yet concise textbook with a focus on practical use of EEG and clinical neurology in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy. It Begins with the physiological foundation of EEG, physics and electronics of EEG generation and recording, and technical details of EEG performance. Major sections then discuss seizure and epilepsy diagnoses, normal and abnormal EEG patterns correlated with clinical scenarios, guides to differential diagnosis of seizures, guides to medical and non medical management. and lastly, teaching case studies. For this edition, there is a separate pediatric EEG and epilepsy section, in addition to the discussion of pediatric aspects throughout the text. Revisions and additions have been made to keep up with the rapid pace of advancement in EEG and epilepsy. This third edition is authored and edited by four senior faculty of Vanderbilt University Hospital and Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, all trained and board certified in EEG and clinical neurophysiology. These experts use their daily experience treating epilepsy in a busy academic medical center to provide a robust core of EEG and epilepsy knowledge to healthcare professional who diagnose and manage epilepsy, and who are seeking to develop and enhance their knowledge of EEG performance and interpretation. New in this edition : – Compares the new epilepsy classification schemes with the old. – Updated status epilepticus management, with new tables and flowcharts. – New interpretations for a variety of EEG patterns, some of which have controversial implications.
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