Best of Five MCQs for the Rheumatology SCE is a revision guide designed specifically for this high-stakes exam. It contains 300 Best of Five Questions with explanatory answers, each accurately reflecting the layout of questions in the exam. The book is divided into three exam papers for trainees to test themselves, providing a through assessment of the candidate’s rheumatology knowledge. The book covers all the main themes of the exam. Topics include: inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue disorders, metabolic and bone disease, osteoarthritis, and paediatric and adolescent rheumatology. The explanatory answers include references to guidelines and other sources to enable candidates’ further reading and study. Providing high-quality questions and expert guidance, this resource is a comprehensive revision tool for senior rheumatology trainees preparing for postgraduate exams.
Categories: | All, distributed, Orthopedic |
Weight | 600 kg |
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