Clinical Nutrition in Cancer – Second Edition


Cancer is a catabolic disease with inflammatory behavior along with complicated metabolic repercussions, making it a challenge to feed and nourish patients adequately. The nutrition care process should start at the time of diagnosis, well in time. Clnical Nutrition has been considered as an adjunct therapy in cancer treatment. As a key healthcare professional, it is of primary importance to correct nuritional deficiencies and prevent cancer cachexia. After the sucess of first edition, second edition with more information on the latest nurition developments in the scientific arena was very much needed. This book addresses the role of nurition in cencer, various trending diets on social media, dietary myths & facts as well as provides evidence-based recommendations for patients on treatment and for survivors. The book entails viewpoints of qualified nutrition professionals from both, old & new schools of thought hence covering a variety of oncological aspects. It provides pratical knowledge of nutition care in oncological patients to reduce morbidity, mortality and improve quality of life. It will also help young nutrition professionals to follow a standard protocol for nutrition management in oncological patients.