The aim of the book is to address the basic concepts and newer developments in selected areas of clinical nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation. Selected topics on interest with reference to recent developments, updated classifications or advances in pathogenesis and treatment. Nephrologists from around the world have contributed to this one of its kind book.
Current Progress In Nephrology Volume 1
The aim of the book is to address the basic concepts and newer developments in selected areas of clinical nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation. Selected topics on interest with reference to recent developments, updated classifications or advances in pathogenesis and treatment. Nephrologists from around the world have contributed to this one of its kind book.
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Dermatology is a branch of medicine which relies heavily on outpatient treatment and also managing several incapacitating diseases as inpatients. The load of patients in any dermatology OPD is ever increasing, thanks to the recent awareness about the dermatological diseases. The role of a Dermatologist is complicated and quite demanding with reference to innumerable diseases that he has to deal with. Added to this, he is also expected to be well versed with all the drugs that he prescribes, what with constant addition of newer drugs. It is humanly impossible to remember and recollect the various indications, dosages, formulations, side effects and mechanism of actions of all the drugs that he is suppose to use. Another perennial threat is that posed by drug interactions. Books available on this subject are either very exhaustive or less informative. Handbook of Dermatologic Drug Therapy is published is an attempt to bridge this gap. In this second edition, newer therapies like biologics has been added. Each chapter has been updated to add the recent advances. The book is designed and written in a simple language and is not pocket heavy. The target readers are undergraduate, postgraduate and the practicing dermatologists alike. The contents of the book follow a standard format like chemical structure, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, indications, contraindications, side effects. Two other highlights of this book are prescription pearls and important drug interactions.
Puzzling Cases in Stroke Vol. 2
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Puzzling Cases in Stroke
Stroke is the leading cause of permeant disability , including post stroke dementia, pain, depression and personality changes. While large Clinical Trials reflect information about large stroke populations, the presentation of each and every stroke patient is individual and special. Currently there are only few books which illustrate case oriented discussion. This is unique book which includes common and unusual case of stroke, so as to reinforce diagnostic skills through careful analysis of individual presenting patterns, and to guide treatment decisions.
John Studd’s Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 7
In Contemporary Obstetrics and Gynaecology, what new trends have evolved, what new advancements have been made, what new technologies have been developed, what new challenges do we face? Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology will continually answer those questions for you. Volume 7 comprises several topics at the cutting edge of contemporary Obstetrics and Gynecology. First, this volume starts with applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in reproduction medicine and how AI may lead to paradigm shift in this field. Another paradigm – changing topic involves population genetic screening for individualized preventative medicine. This volume addresses a spectrum of gynecologic topics, from dyslipidemia in pregnancy, obesity and reproduction, modern concepts of managing climacteric and menopause, treatment options for overactive bladder and the use of mesh treatment for urogynaecology. There are also chapters dealing with prevention and management of gynaecologic cancers such as those of the cervix and the endometrium. This volume updates new advancement and pratice in obstetric and gynaecological techniques, such as cervical cerlage in modern obsteric practice, routine third trimester scan for the detection of foetal anomalies and now to reduce complications in laparoscopic surgery. Last but not least, this volume addresses third gender gynaecology, the obstetric and gynaecologic care for transgender patients and the increasing use of cosmatic gynaecology in recent years. The editors are grateful to all the authors who have given their expertise and enabled this volume to improve the care of obstetric and gynaecologic patients throughout the world.
Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology – Volume 5
In its 5th Volume the now CLASSIC comes with a value addition in the form of Multiple Choice Questions, which would highly beneficial to one and all. The Editors have gathered an ensemble of acclaimed clinicians giving an insight to various key aspect in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
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