It might seem somewhat pompous or ‘pushy’ for us to be telling reader how to read a book. However, the topic of the book is a bit offbeat for most medical professionals, and hence we would like you to make the best use of the time you invest while reading this book. We suggest starting with a flip through the chapters to get an overall idea of the topics covered. This browsing process will help you to get a basic idea of the book to form in your mind and make it easier to relate to the concepts that are discussed. The chapters in the book are named and arrangged in a manner that will help you with this. Those of you who already know a bit about digital marketing basics might want to dive right into specific chapters that spike your curioity or seem relevant to you. However, we suggest that you start with Chapter 1 after the flip-through so that theh flow is maintained as you consume the contents.
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Stroke is a treatable medical emergency affecting about 15 million people every year worldwide. It is the most common cause of common cause of disability globally and is the third most common cause of death. In the present times, there are effective treatment options which if given timely will benefit the patients of stroke remarkably. Therefore, correct diagnosis of acute stroke is extremely important for the clinicians to provide appropriate treatments and to ensure prevention of acute complications, including recurrent strokes. But sometimes a typical or uncommon presentation of stroke or “stroke chameleons”can lead to diagnostic dilemma. Therefore, timely diagnosis and management may be delayed. There are time – tested strategies which when strictly followed by the Neurphysician can reduce the chances of missing the correct diagnosis. Firstly, “Listen very carefully to the patient. He is telling you the diagnosis.” Clinicians should suspect stroke when the history suggests abrupt onset of neurological symptoms. Remember, Stroke is a clinical diagnosis and imaging is providing the corroboratory evidence. Secondly, a complete and systematic neurological examination should be routinely done in patients presenting with acute neurological symptoms because this might shed light on the true nature of the problem. Finally, even the most sophisticated neuroimaging tests might miss the stroke in the early hours after the event.
COVID -19 is new disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a novel virus that emerged at the end of 2019. It is truly remarkable how the virus spread all over the world creating a devastating effect or non-infectious, to the background . There is no medical conversation or conference without reference to it. While the optimal ways to diagnose and manage this disease are being studied with ‘feverish’ pace, controversies spring up almost daily. This has understandably put the treating physicians in a state of confusion, which is matched only by the complexity of the entire illness. We present here a Casebook of COVID – 19, where actual cases seen at different medical centers are discussed along with brief chapters on various aspects of this disease. They have been contributed by clinicians who have been at some time associated with the editors or with the PD Hinduja Hospital. We do hope this book will be of great interest to the practicing clinicians, microbiologists, hospital administrators and public health professionals.
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