It might seem somewhat pompous or ‘pushy’ for us to be telling reader how to read a book. However, the topic of the book is a bit offbeat for most medical professionals, and hence we would like you to make the best use of the time you invest while reading this book. We suggest starting with a flip through the chapters to get an overall idea of the topics covered. This browsing process will help you to get a basic idea of the book to form in your mind and make it easier to relate to the concepts that are discussed. The chapters in the book are named and arrangged in a manner that will help you with this. Those of you who already know a bit about digital marketing basics might want to dive right into specific chapters that spike your curioity or seem relevant to you. However, we suggest that you start with Chapter 1 after the flip-through so that theh flow is maintained as you consume the contents.
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ABOUT THE BOOK – A concise book for practical Electroneuromyography What is it for? Electrodiagnosticians Neurology trainees Neurology practitioners Orthopedic and hand surgeons Physicians Technologists COVERS Technical as well as neurological aspects Troubleshooting paradigms Approach based on presenting symptoms Disease based discussions Considerations about the common and the uncommon Case Studies
EEG Simplified
EEG Simplified is an interesting and informative book, it has been written in simple english and discusses various aspects of electrophysiology with clarity. Beginning with basic recording concepts of EEG and the descriptions of normal EEG, the authors take us through artifacts, a very important chapter and then discuss electroencephalographic abnormalities seen in variety of neurological disorders. This kind of book on clinical neurophysiology is extremely useful for day to day clinical practice.
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Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology – Volume 5
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