This volume concentrates on understanding pathophysiology, discussing differentials, and discussing new developments. While maintaining fundamental topics in Nephrology, focus is given on areas of nephrology that are expected to grow over the next ten years, such as genetics, obesity, complement-mediated diseases, and interventional Nephrology. The clinical scenarios discussed are distributed across 34 independent chapters relating to general nephrology, extracorporeal therapies, kidney transplantation, glomerular and tubulointerstitial disorders. The lead contributors are Professors or former Professors from major educational institutions in India, senior faculty members from private teaching institutions, with experienced assistant professorsas co-authors. As in the previous edition, there are more than 50 contributors who have generously shared their experience and expertise. For this edition, the case scenarios discussed by eminent scientists and clinicians from the US will give an alternative viewpoint to approaching clinical problems. Following each case study and discussion, there are multiple-choice questions with their responses, and important references or recommendations for more reading.
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