Emergencies related to liver diseases are commonly encountered in day to day clinical practice. This “Handbook of Liver Emergencies” was conceived following a series of online seminars which were conducted over a year during the covid pandemic. The seminars included leading faculty in the field of hepatology & several important topics related to liver emergencies were discussed threadbare. In view of the keen participation that these seminars generated, it was decided to compile these and publish them in the form of a handbook. The main purpose of this book is to bring awareness about diagnosis & management of various liver emergencies which are commonly encountered. This book is going to be useful for the trainees, physicians, emergency doctor, hepatologists, gastroenterologists, surgeons and all those who are involved in the management of patients with liver diseases. All the efforts have been made to present practical & up-to-date knowledge in the management of liver emergencies. All the authors are leading experts in their fields and have contributed immensely in the creation of this handbook. This is the first of its kind book wherein all the liver related emergencies are compiled in one place. All the chapters are lucidly written & are supported by relevant references. In the end, there is an annexure which includes important grading & classification systems of liver related issues for ready reference of the readers.
Categories: | All, distributed, Gastroenterology & Hepatology |
Weight | 750 kg |
Dimensions | 27 × 19 × 2 cm |
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