The MCQs and SBAs in Intensive Care Medicine is a dedicated revision guide specifically directed towards the faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FFICM) exam. It provides salient cover of a wide breadth of critical care topics and so provides useful learning resource for medics undertaking other intensive care qualifications including the European Diploma of Intensive Care Medicine (EDIC). It is also a handy guide for allied healthcare professionals working in the remit of critical care, as the topics are both clinical and science-based, thus providing knowledge on the broad clinical scenarios, equipment unique to ICU and literature relevant to commonly encountered critical care cases. The book contains 300 multiple – choice (MCQs) and single-best answers (SBAs) divided into 10 chapters and closely mapped to the faculty of Intensive Care Medicine syllabus. Each answer includes a full explanation, up-to-date evidence-based guidelines, and sources for further reading. This book is the ideal companion to those progressing their careers in Intensive care. The MCQs and SBAs in Intensive Care Medicine is a dedicated revision guide specifically directed towards the faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FFICM) exam. It provides salient cover of a wide breadth of critical care topics and so provides useful learning resource for medics undertaking other intensive care qualifications including the European Diploma of Intensive Care Medicine (EDIC). It is also a handy guide for allied healthcare professionals working in the remit of critical care, as the topics are both clinical and science-based, thus providing knowledge on the broad clinical scenarios, equipment unique to ICU and literature.
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