Dimensions | 20 × 14 × 4 cm |
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How to Pass the MRCS OSCE (Vol 1 & 2)
This is the only guide you need to pass the MRCS Part B OSCE examination. This unique two-volume set includes comprehensive revision notes on all the areas covered in the exam, numerous practice scenarios with model answers in the format they would be encountered in the exam, and essential exam technique tips. Written by a team of editors and authors with extensive experience of the exam and all the recent changes, it broaches topics that can often trip up the candidate, including communication and history-taking skills. Revision is aided by a multitude of images and illustrations, as well as boxes highlighting clinical tips and exam hints. Volume 1 covers basic surgical skills, including peri-operative care, as well as patient safety, history-taking, communication skills, applied surgical sciences and critical care. The book also provides tips on exactly how the examiners will expect you to approach the exam. Volume 2 addresses the stations that exam the four specialty areas: Trunk and Torso; Limbs and Spine; Head and Neck, and Neuroscience. It covers the anatomy, physiology and pathology in each of these four speciality areas along with detailed clinical exam scenarios and a bank of likely clinical questions and model answers.
Clinics in Surgery – Revised & Updates Second Edition
Includes Long and Short cases, Instruments, X-ray and Specimens commonly kept in Undergraduate and Post graduate exams. – Step by step methodology of History taking,and Examination of each case. – Model case presentation of each case. – Algorythmic approach for Diagnosis, Investigation and Treatment of each case. WHAT’S NEW IN THIS EDITION – – Each case is divided in to three sections – Principles of history taking, Model case presentation and discussion about common surgical pathologies related to that case. It is for better understanding of the topic and last minute reading of a specific section for an exam. – Clinical demonstration of various tests pertaining to that case. – Recent advances in management of a particular surgical pathologies. – Multiple photographs in all the sections for better visual understanding of the disease and different topics. – Addition of new topics in sections of instruments and X-rays.
Who Will benefit from this book? * Genuine interest in cardiovascular imaging * International certification exams * Enhancing skills in interpretations of cardiac MR Why this format? * Salient points, easier and faster to read. * Questions-answer approach for better understanding of topic. * Short and well contained guide. What are the highlights of the book? * Comprehensive coverage of all topics * Appropriate illustrations * Inclusion of recent advances
Current Progress In Nephrology Volume 3
In the third volume of Current Progress in Nephrology, recent advances in different areas of kidney disease have been authored by eminent clinicians. The first few chapters discuss the genetics of renal development, regenerative medicine in relation to kidney, molecular diagnostics. Newer diagnostic modalities like functional magnetic resonance imaging, point of care ultrasonography and electron microscopy of organised deposits in kidney diseases are discussed in the subsequent 3 chapters. Diagnosing and managing difficult conditions of chronic kidney disease like, hepatorenal syndrome, pregnancy related renal problems, and scleroderma crisis are discussed in appropriate chapters. Anaemia, usually associated with CKD, is a significant cause of left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiovascular disease. The guidelines for correcting anaemia with iron supplementation and erythropoietin stimulating agents are provided in an appropriate chapter. Autosomal dominant rubulointerstitial kidney disease, a frequent cause of progressive CKD often remains an underdiagnosed condition and has been highlighted in one nice review. Understanding another a rare condition, thrombotic miocroangiopathy is important since it may lead to endstage renal disease or death, if not identified and appropriately treated in time.
Textbook and Atlas of Dermatology 2nd Ed.
Salient Features :
1) Comprehensive visual guidance you need to effectively evaluate, diagnose and manage all forms of skin disease. over 200 images richly depict etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment, equipping you to provide the best care to every patient. 2) More than 40 chapters covering all dermatological ailments. 3) More than 200 illustrations from the Author’s personal database giving a unique overview of the diseases. 4) Hands – on clinical experience sharing in the form of cases, clinical presentations and management approach.
Dermatological Diseases A Practical Approach 3/Ed. – Revised & Updated
Dermatology has grown much since the release of the second edition, with several advances in different fields suchh as lasers, biologics, drug therapy, dermoscopy. But the most notable change has been the change in profile, with emphasis on procedural dermatology and visibility on social media. The new 3 rd Edition reflects these changes and is therefore a thoroughly revised edition. Several new images have been added to make it more illustrative. However, the emphasis on clarity in a reader- friendly manner. Therefore the emphasis on text boxes, schematic diagrams, and flow charts continues. A new addition is the list of suggested reading, MCQs and case reports for each chapter. The Following quote form previous edition is still relevant: Writing of a book is like sawing a saw- it sharpens the mind and freshens the knowledge and is thus a process that gives immense satisfaction and joy. This satisfaction and joy will be greater if the readers too find it a valuable tool to enhance their knowledge.
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