Puzzling Cases in Pediatric Dermatology Volume 2


Pediatric dermatology is an emerging subspecialty of dermatology. In this era of sub specialization, dermatologists as well as pediatricians who offer primary care to children must be knowledgeable in pediatric dermatological problems. Nearly 30% of case load in dermatology Out Patient Department is that of pediatric dermatological problems, hence we have pediatric dermatology clinic in JIPMER, puducherry, India and one-year fellowship program in it. In 2015, as lead Editor, I had brought out a collection of cases on pediatric dermatology. ” Puzzling Cases in PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY”. The enthusiasm and success it generated, motivated me to bring out volume 2 of the same. The case based scenario can be easily understood by postgraduate students, academicians as well as practitioners. Dermatology being a visual specialty, a large number of clinical photographs from Indian subcontinent have been incorporated. To increase readability, a large number of tables added. This book had been made possible through the contributions from all over India. Though COVID 19 affected the clinical services from 2020-2022, hence exposure of postgraduates to clinical material. Thus, this book will provide them with supplement of learning material based on actual cases from established clinicians.