This most comprehensive educational book on dizziness is special because it is devised as a collection of fascinating case description accumulated over many years by two internationally leading clinical neuro-otologists, Adolfo Bronstein and Diego Kaski, with their colleagues. 1) Dizziness is the second most common complaint of outpatients or in the emergency unit, not only in neurology and ENT departments. 2) Most syndromes can be correctly diagnosed on the basis of only a careful medical history and a thorough physical examination. 3) The majority of these cases have a benign cause, take a favorable natural course, and respond positively to therapy. The readability and the didactic value of the 36 cases are doubtlessly heightened by the chapter design. In combination with traditional textbooks, the casebook provides valuable new information for both beginners and experienced physicians who manage dizzy patients. It deserves widespread dissemination and success.
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