Books are Infinite in number, and the time is Short. The Secret to success is to know what is Essential. Take it and achieve the best. This is a book you will cherish for a lifetime, for within its pages are the secrets to make you shine through the exam and make your dreams come true. This book shall shatter all the myths that success is the result of tearful hard work, exacting plans, or driving ambition. It offers an alternative perspective with authentic and crisp knowledge of what is absolutely essential for attainment of success.
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Puzzling Cases in Pediatric Dermatology Volume 1
The book covers 30 Unique Cases in Pediatric Dermatology written by some of the Leading Experts. The book would be highly useful to all Dermatologists, Pediatricians, Consulting Physicians, Post Graduate Students and those interested in treating Children with Dermatological Conditions
Puzzling Cases in Stroke
Stroke is the leading cause of permeant disability , including post stroke dementia, pain, depression and personality changes. While large Clinical Trials reflect information about large stroke populations, the presentation of each and every stroke patient is individual and special. Currently there are only few books which illustrate case oriented discussion. This is unique book which includes common and unusual case of stroke, so as to reinforce diagnostic skills through careful analysis of individual presenting patterns, and to guide treatment decisions.
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Volume 6 of Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology has been complied during the most challenging time of the Covid – 19 pandemic. In spite of the challenges that all of us have faced thrughout the world, the editors are delighted to produce a state-of-the-art volume on many of the important challenges in contemporary obstetrics and gyaecology. The first part of this volume addresses a spectrum of gynaecologic topics, including infertility, the special challenges of female athletes, early ovarian aging, diagnosis and management of adnexal masses, endoscopic surgery, minimising blood loss in surgery and diagnosing and managing gynaecologic complications. The second part of this volume deals with myriad of obstetric topics, including epigenetics, the hormonal transition int motherhood, maternal infections leading to congenital defects, the important of multidisciplinary care in managing foetal anomalies, the evolving antenatal management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, the current approach to antepartum haemorrhage and the important role of ultrasound in the management of labour and delivery. The volume closes with the relevance of professional ethics to the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynaecology. The editors are grateful to all of the authors who have given their expertise selflessly at this difficult time and enabled this volume to improve the care of obstetric and gynaecologic patients throughout the world.
Dermatological Diseases A Practical Approach 3/Ed. – Revised & Updated
Dermatology has grown much since the release of the second edition, with several advances in different fields suchh as lasers, biologics, drug therapy, dermoscopy. But the most notable change has been the change in profile, with emphasis on procedural dermatology and visibility on social media. The new 3 rd Edition reflects these changes and is therefore a thoroughly revised edition. Several new images have been added to make it more illustrative. However, the emphasis on clarity in a reader- friendly manner. Therefore the emphasis on text boxes, schematic diagrams, and flow charts continues. A new addition is the list of suggested reading, MCQs and case reports for each chapter. The Following quote form previous edition is still relevant: Writing of a book is like sawing a saw- it sharpens the mind and freshens the knowledge and is thus a process that gives immense satisfaction and joy. This satisfaction and joy will be greater if the readers too find it a valuable tool to enhance their knowledge.
Puzzling Cases in Nephrology
This Unique book provides a glimpse of how medical mysteries can be solved, or if not solved, atleast better understood. There is much in this book that will not easily be found in modern textbooks, as this to me organizes information around case examples rather than organizing facts around disease entities. In this book cases of renal diseases and kidney transplantation of particular diagnostic or therapeutic interest have been selected. This is an essential read for Nephrologists in practice and training and all those interested in care for a Renal patient
Puzzling Cases in Stroke Vol. 2
Stroke is a treatable medical emergency affecting about 15 million people every year worldwide. It is the most common cause of common cause of disability globally and is the third most common cause of death. In the present times, there are effective treatment options which if given timely will benefit the patients of stroke remarkably. Therefore, correct diagnosis of acute stroke is extremely important for the clinicians to provide appropriate treatments and to ensure prevention of acute complications, including recurrent strokes. But sometimes a typical or uncommon presentation of stroke or “stroke chameleons”can lead to diagnostic dilemma. Therefore, timely diagnosis and management may be delayed. There are time – tested strategies which when strictly followed by the Neurphysician can reduce the chances of missing the correct diagnosis. Firstly, “Listen very carefully to the patient. He is telling you the diagnosis.” Clinicians should suspect stroke when the history suggests abrupt onset of neurological symptoms. Remember, Stroke is a clinical diagnosis and imaging is providing the corroboratory evidence. Secondly, a complete and systematic neurological examination should be routinely done in patients presenting with acute neurological symptoms because this might shed light on the true nature of the problem. Finally, even the most sophisticated neuroimaging tests might miss the stroke in the early hours after the event.
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