Internationally, sports and exercise medicine (SEM) is growing medical specialty, extending beyond elite sports to improve and support the overall health of the wider public. In order to qualify as a consultant, one must succeed in the MFSEM (Membership of Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine). Both the MFSEM and MSc SEM use Single Best Answers (SBAs) in their assessment but currently available resource have not reflected this question format until now. This book will help candidates in their preparations by using 400 SBA format questions with a choice of five options based around the MFSEM and MSc SEM curriculum. It is the first of its kind to cover all the different aspects of the curriculum on which the UK SEM training programme and exam is based. The high standard of questions come from some of the leading lights in UK SEM, orthopaedics, physiotherapy, rheumatology, and musculoskeletal medicine, as well as other specialities. There are also several contributors from Australia, the United States, and Europe, so readers taking entrance and final fellowship examinations of many international orgranizations including the ACSEP, UEMS, and the CAQ in the United States can use this book for revision. This makes it an invaluable resource for today’s SEM student.
Categories: | All, distributed, Orthopedic |
Weight | 500 kg |
Dimensions | 25.4 × 20.3 × 4.7 cm |
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