The Final FRCR : Complete Revision Notes is an essential revision aid for Radiology trainees preparing for the final (Part 2) component of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiology (FRCR) and other Radiology board examinations. Topics are arranged alphabetically within six chapters covering the body systems in depth. Included with each topic is a short introductory paragraph containing relevant clinical information , followed by the pertinent imaging findings. The book includes more than 150 images illustrating key pathology. Challenging topics are untangled in accompanying tables and boxes to facilitate leaning and recall. The book covers both the breadth and depth of material tested by the FRCR examination in a direct and clear style.
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Who Will benefit from this book? * Genuine interest in cardiovascular imaging * International certification exams * Enhancing skills in interpretations of cardiac MR Why this format? * Salient points, easier and faster to read. * Questions-answer approach for better understanding of topic. * Short and well contained guide. What are the highlights of the book? * Comprehensive coverage of all topics * Appropriate illustrations * Inclusion of recent advances
Puzzling Cases in Stroke Vol. 2
Stroke is a treatable medical emergency affecting about 15 million people every year worldwide. It is the most common cause of common cause of disability globally and is the third most common cause of death. In the present times, there are effective treatment options which if given timely will benefit the patients of stroke remarkably. Therefore, correct diagnosis of acute stroke is extremely important for the clinicians to provide appropriate treatments and to ensure prevention of acute complications, including recurrent strokes. But sometimes a typical or uncommon presentation of stroke or “stroke chameleons”can lead to diagnostic dilemma. Therefore, timely diagnosis and management may be delayed. There are time – tested strategies which when strictly followed by the Neurphysician can reduce the chances of missing the correct diagnosis. Firstly, “Listen very carefully to the patient. He is telling you the diagnosis.” Clinicians should suspect stroke when the history suggests abrupt onset of neurological symptoms. Remember, Stroke is a clinical diagnosis and imaging is providing the corroboratory evidence. Secondly, a complete and systematic neurological examination should be routinely done in patients presenting with acute neurological symptoms because this might shed light on the true nature of the problem. Finally, even the most sophisticated neuroimaging tests might miss the stroke in the early hours after the event.
Current Progress in Orthopedics Volume 1
The book disseminates orthopedic knowledge and shares the experience and skill of the best orthopedic surgeons from around the world. The aim of the book with almost 60 contributing authors which covers the subjects from Pediatric Orthopedics to Arthroplasty for the Aging Population and from Cartilage Repair to Open Fracture and Spine Surgery.
Current Progress in Nephrology Volume 2
The aim of the 2nd volume of this book is to address the basic concepts and newer developments in selected areas of clinical nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation. Selected topics on interest with reference to recent developments, updated classifications or advances in pathogenesis and treatment. Nephrologists from around the world have contributed to this one of its kind book.
Puzzling Cases in Electrocardiography
12 Lead Electrocardiography remains as clinically relevant now as when first introduced to clinical medicine decades ago. The value of 12 Lead ECG is mattering the ability to integrate the ECG findings into information provided by the history and Physical Examination. The book authored by Prof Rimmerman, one of the foremost Cardiologists in the world follows 50 ECG Case Studies purposefully chosen where the ECG made a clinical impact on the management of the patient
Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology – Volume 5
In its 5th Volume the now CLASSIC comes with a value addition in the form of Multiple Choice Questions, which would highly beneficial to one and all. The Editors have gathered an ensemble of acclaimed clinicians giving an insight to various key aspect in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.