MRCP PACES is a challenging examination requiring in – depth clinical knowledge, excellent clinical skills and the ability to present each case concisely and coherently. This revision guide helps candidates achieve these aims; it is compact enough for bedside use while being sufficiently comprehensive for self-study. The new edition follows the structure of the current PACES exam and has an expanded section on station 5. As well as a wealth of up-to-date questions for practice, it includes extensive new clinical information on new therapies and details of the latest investigations and management options. Each chapter has been reviewed by senior clinicians within the speciality. – Presents all seven stations in one book – Provides practical hints and tips for success at each station – Presents much more comprehensive information in a compact and accessible format than other books. – Provides evidence-based information, guidelines and questions mapping to the latest examination format. This book teaches the candidate to pass the exam by leading the reader through each case and highlighting exactly what is expected of them is also provides a succint yet detailed clinical handbook for support on medical wards.
Categories: | All, distributed, Internal Medicine |
Dimensions | 20 × 14 × 4 cm |
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