It might seem somewhat pompous or ‘pushy’ for us to be telling reader how to read a book. However, the topic of the book is a bit offbeat for most medical professionals, and hence we would like you to make the best use of the time you invest while reading this book. We suggest starting with a flip through the chapters to get an overall idea of the topics covered. This browsing process will help you to get a basic idea of the book to form in your mind and make it easier to relate to the concepts that are discussed. The chapters in the book are named and arrangged in a manner that will help you with this. Those of you who already know a bit about digital marketing basics might want to dive right into specific chapters that spike your curioity or seem relevant to you. However, we suggest that you start with Chapter 1 after the flip-through so that theh flow is maintained as you consume the contents.
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Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology – Volume 5
In its 5th Volume the now CLASSIC comes with a value addition in the form of Multiple Choice Questions, which would highly beneficial to one and all. The Editors have gathered an ensemble of acclaimed clinicians giving an insight to various key aspect in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Textbook and Atlas of Dermatology 2nd Ed.
Salient Features :
1) Comprehensive visual guidance you need to effectively evaluate, diagnose and manage all forms of skin disease. over 200 images richly depict etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment, equipping you to provide the best care to every patient. 2) More than 40 chapters covering all dermatological ailments. 3) More than 200 illustrations from the Author’s personal database giving a unique overview of the diseases. 4) Hands – on clinical experience sharing in the form of cases, clinical presentations and management approach.
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Dermatology is a branch of medicine which relies heavily on outpatient treatment and also managing several incapacitating diseases as inpatients. The load of patients in any dermatology OPD is ever increasing, thanks to the recent awareness about the dermatological diseases. The role of a Dermatologist is complicated and quite demanding with reference to innumerable diseases that he has to deal with. Added to this, he is also expected to be well versed with all the drugs that he prescribes, what with constant addition of newer drugs. It is humanly impossible to remember and recollect the various indications, dosages, formulations, side effects and mechanism of actions of all the drugs that he is suppose to use. Another perennial threat is that posed by drug interactions. Books available on this subject are either very exhaustive or less informative. Handbook of Dermatologic Drug Therapy is published is an attempt to bridge this gap. In this second edition, newer therapies like biologics has been added. Each chapter has been updated to add the recent advances. The book is designed and written in a simple language and is not pocket heavy. The target readers are undergraduate, postgraduate and the practicing dermatologists alike. The contents of the book follow a standard format like chemical structure, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, indications, contraindications, side effects. Two other highlights of this book are prescription pearls and important drug interactions.
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