It might seem somewhat pompous or ‘pushy’ for us to be telling reader how to read a book. However, the topic of the book is a bit offbeat for most medical professionals, and hence we would like you to make the best use of the time you invest while reading this book. We suggest starting with a flip through the chapters to get an overall idea of the topics covered. This browsing process will help you to get a basic idea of the book to form in your mind and make it easier to relate to the concepts that are discussed. The chapters in the book are named and arrangged in a manner that will help you with this. Those of you who already know a bit about digital marketing basics might want to dive right into specific chapters that spike your curioity or seem relevant to you. However, we suggest that you start with Chapter 1 after the flip-through so that theh flow is maintained as you consume the contents.
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Puzzling Cases in Nephrology
This Unique book provides a glimpse of how medical mysteries can be solved, or if not solved, atleast better understood. There is much in this book that will not easily be found in modern textbooks, as this to me organizes information around case examples rather than organizing facts around disease entities. In this book cases of renal diseases and kidney transplantation of particular diagnostic or therapeutic interest have been selected. This is an essential read for Nephrologists in practice and training and all those interested in care for a Renal patient
Current Progress In Obstetrics & Gynaceology – Volume 6
Volume 6 of Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology has been complied during the most challenging time of the Covid – 19 pandemic. In spite of the challenges that all of us have faced thrughout the world, the editors are delighted to produce a state-of-the-art volume on many of the important challenges in contemporary obstetrics and gyaecology. The first part of this volume addresses a spectrum of gynaecologic topics, including infertility, the special challenges of female athletes, early ovarian aging, diagnosis and management of adnexal masses, endoscopic surgery, minimising blood loss in surgery and diagnosing and managing gynaecologic complications. The second part of this volume deals with myriad of obstetric topics, including epigenetics, the hormonal transition int motherhood, maternal infections leading to congenital defects, the important of multidisciplinary care in managing foetal anomalies, the evolving antenatal management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, the current approach to antepartum haemorrhage and the important role of ultrasound in the management of labour and delivery. The volume closes with the relevance of professional ethics to the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynaecology. The editors are grateful to all of the authors who have given their expertise selflessly at this difficult time and enabled this volume to improve the care of obstetric and gynaecologic patients throughout the world.
Case Book of Invasive Fungal Infections
The case book presents real cases and alternatives that confront the clinician during management. The format maintained is based on multiple choice. The difference between the most appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic approach and its closet alternative is wide.The discussion is adapted from standard resources and some references are also made to abstracts and lecturers at IDSA, ECCMID and other meetings.
COVID – 19 VACCINES A Comprehensive Overview
We are amid a pandemic that continues to smoulder almost everywhere with raging fire off and on at different places. It has not only devastated hundreds of thousands of families who lost someone to the virus and affected over 300 million people directly, it has affected all 7.9 billion of us in some way or other. At the same time, humanity has risen well to the pandemic challenges. It was realized very early during the current outbreal that safe and effcacious vaccines would be crucial in tackling the pandemic. The unprecedented global collaboration among all stakeholders: Scientists, pharmaceutical industry, funding agencies and Governments demonstrated what a global will could do: hundreds of vaccine candidates developed, and vaccine deployment started within 12 months of isolation of new virus something that takes over a decade otherwise.
Clinical Pediatric Dermatology
This book aims at bridging that gap and putting the basic concepts of pediatric dermatology together which help the dermatologists,post graduates and pediatricians understand and manage the pediatric dermatoses in India. With primary focus on beginners in pediatric dermatology and pediatricians,the conciseness and brevity of clinical notes has not been compromised. This book has been written keeping in view the interests of both pediatric dermatologists and pediatricians. In this era of sub-specialization, general pediatricians who offer primary care to children must be knowledgeable in pediatric dermatological problems.
Dermatology is a branch of medicine which relies heavily on outpatient treatment and also managing several incapacitating diseases as inpatients. The load of patients in any dermatology OPD is ever increasing, thanks to the recent awareness about the dermatological diseases. The role of a Dermatologist is complicated and quite demanding with reference to innumerable diseases that he has to deal with. Added to this, he is also expected to be well versed with all the drugs that he prescribes, what with constant addition of newer drugs. It is humanly impossible to remember and recollect the various indications, dosages, formulations, side effects and mechanism of actions of all the drugs that he is suppose to use. Another perennial threat is that posed by drug interactions. Books available on this subject are either very exhaustive or less informative. Handbook of Dermatologic Drug Therapy is published is an attempt to bridge this gap. In this second edition, newer therapies like biologics has been added. Each chapter has been updated to add the recent advances. The book is designed and written in a simple language and is not pocket heavy. The target readers are undergraduate, postgraduate and the practicing dermatologists alike. The contents of the book follow a standard format like chemical structure, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, indications, contraindications, side effects. Two other highlights of this book are prescription pearls and important drug interactions.
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